Designed for professional services firms

IFRS / ISSB Standards: Fast track progam

Welcome to diginex's ISSB Fast Track Program. This program is specifically designed to turn the complexities of ISSB standards into actionable knowledge and strategies. Divided into five in-depth modules, we walk you through the principles, the practicalities, and the applications of ISSB's S1 and S2 standards.

IFRS sustainability alliance x diginex cover image

About the Program

Understanding and mastering the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) standards has become essential for every corporate professional today. As businesses worldwide grapple with pressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, the standards established by the ISSB offer a globally consistent and reliable way to communicate sustainability efforts, manage sustainability-related risks, and identify opportunities.

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Your fast track to master ISSB

Who is the program designed for?

This program is designed for professional services organizations looking to get quickly up to speed on supporting their SME clients on IFRS/ ISSB Standards.  

What's included?

  • 5 course modules
  • 1 year license for diginexESG consultancy package (ISSB Standards included)
  • 2 hours of 1:1 advisory support

Program Overview

ISSB program illustration
Module 1: Foundations of ISSB:

Its Role in the ESG Landscape

This module lays the groundwork for your understanding of the International Sustainability Standards Board's role and significance within the global ESG ecosystem. We delve into the origins of the ISSB, its mission, and the global need it addresses. Unpack the relationships between ISSB and other ESG-related frameworks and learn how ISSB's work complements and enhances existing standards.

Module 2: Navigating the S1 Standard

A Comprehensive Exploration

A deep dive into the ISSB's S1 Standard - General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information. This module will guide you through the specifics of the S1 Standard, providing you with an understanding of its scope, structure, and applicability. We'll decipher the key components, explain its application, and explore real-world examples to enhance your understanding.

Module 3: Mastering the S2 Standard

Your Guide to Climate-Related Disclosures

Dedicated to the ISSB's S2 Standard - Climate-related Disclosures, this module equips you with the knowledge to understand and apply the S2 Standard within your organization. We will break down its elements, unravel its nuances, and highlight how it feeds into effective climate-related financial disclosures.

Module 4

Streamlined ISSB Reporting with Diginex Solutions

This module introduces you to diginex's innovative solutions designed to simplify ISSB reporting. You will learn how to leverage our tools to streamline your organization's ISSB disclosure processes, improve data quality, and enhance stakeholder communication. Experience a hands-on approach to ISSB reporting that aligns seamlessly with Diginex solutions.

Module 5: Effective Implementation

From ISSB Theory to Practice

The concluding module focuses on transforming knowledge into action. We discuss best practices for implementing ISSB standards within your organization, share tips for overcoming common challenges, and provide guidance on how to ensure quality, consistency, and transparency in your ISSB disclosures. This module aims to empower you to become a catalyst for sustainable change in your organization.

Are you interested in partnering up to run a custom-designed program for your firm or clients? Let's talk

Join the program and master ISSB!

Limited offer: Only 10 companies

Registration status: Open

Registration closes: October 15, 2023

Program period: 25 October 2023 – 31 March 2024  

Including up to 5 participants per company

Cost per company
10% discount for existing diginex clients