Powering a new era of supply chain due diligence

diginexLUMEN helps companies to undertake human rights due diligence in complex supply chains at scale.  Supplier information is validated against worker feedback and automated risk calculations enables companies to prioritize issues for mitigation and prevention  of adverse impacts and improvement efforts.

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diginexLUMEN streamlines supply chain risk management with solutions to assess, prioritize, and improve supplier performance, all while ensuring compliance with labor rights standards.


in Thomson Reuters Foundation Stop Slavery Summit Enterprise Award, 2021

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Here's how diginexLUMEN helps businesses assess their supply chain risks

We co-designed diginexLUMEN with leading brands, suppliers, asset managers, and CSOs contributing to the development process through trials in real-life business contexts.  We are helping businesses scale due diligence in their global supply chains, track and monitor improvement actions, and communicate with reports to enable compliance with growing expectations and legislation on responsible business conduct.

Map your supplier chain

Build a map of business partners beyond your first-tier suppliers with cascading due diligence invitations.

Assess your supply chain impact

Deploy expert-built assessments to collect data on sustainability indicators and identify supply chain risks. Automated risk scoring and analytics highlights risk issues to enable prioritization of actions and improvement of supplier performance.

Female factory worker in safety gear showing a thumbs up

Manage and improve

Suppliers receive automated improvement recommendations based on their assessment results that can be tracked and prioritized

Report your results

Communicate your results and improvements


Our products

Our platform helps businesses to comply with growing expectations to assess sustainability and human rights risks in their supply chains.

How it works

Supply chains are increasingly complex and labour rights issues even more so. We do not expect our users to be data analysts or mapping experts. We deal with the complexity so that we can present you with clear information and actionable intelligence.

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Connect all tiers of your supply chain with cascading invitations and multi-language communication features.

Due Diligence

Deploy expert-built assessments and collect comparable data to identify supply chain risks

Prioritize Risk

Algorithm-based risk scoring verifies assessment data and allows you to prioritize areas for driving supplier performance


Assessments get automatically scored with suggested improvements.


Share data with key stakeholders with pre-defined reporting templates in Excel or PDF formats.


Create customized questionnaires based on your organization’s needs throughout the year.

Customer testimonials

Coca Cola
The Coca-Cola Company believes respect for human rights is critical to good business… that’s why we first partnered with diginex to advance best practice in sustainability due diligence. We are thrilled with the diginexLUMEN initiative flowing from our partnership and look forward to leveraging it in our program and helping other ethical companies across the world.
Paul Lalli
Global Head of Human Rights
Li & Fung
diginexLUMEN has transformed our supply chain due diligence; its impact goes far beyond risk assessment and identification. The platform's intelligent algorithms flagged potential areas of concern, enabling us to prioritize our attention and resources efficiently. diginexLUMEN allows our team of in-house experts to focus on strategic initiatives, such as building stronger relationships with our suppliers to ensure fair labor practices, safe working conditions, and worker engagement. The scalability of diginexLUMEN allows us to expand the platform to other supply chain partners in line with our ESG strategy.
Satte Tsao
Vendor Compliance & Sustainability
diginex provided valuable advisory services and support to our team for the deployment of diginexLUMEN. The platform is an important part of our human rights due diligence processes and labor rights risk management. From the initial onboarding to ongoing assistance, their dedicated team has been readily available to provide expert support.
Ann Wang
Group Sustainability Director