Diginex launches diginexCLIMATE to help businesses provide greater transparency on emissions and improve their carbon footprint

As COP26 addresses the importance of taking action on climate change, businesses of all sizes will need affordable ways of measuring and managing carbon impact

As COP26 addresses the importance of taking action on climate change, businesses of all sizes will need affordable ways of measuring and managing carbon impact


11 November 2021. Diginex, the disruptive impact technology company helping to solve the world’s most pressing challenges, has launched diginexCLIMATE as an extension to its Environmental, Social and corporate Governance (ESG) platform, diginexESG. diginexCLIMATE supports a company’s broader ESG efforts by allowing businesses to calculate, track and improve their carbon footprint. Companies can also use the platform to collect, benchmark and get a portfolio view on the carbon footprint of their clients, suppliers or assets.


In early 2022, businesses will also be able to offset carbon by taking part in certified climate projects suggested by the platform, customising a climate action portfolio and registering their carbon credits on recognised carbon exchanges.


Recent research by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)found that, despite the impact of lockdown, all key greenhouse gases (GHG) rose faster in 2020 than the average for the previous decade. This trend has continued in 2021 with the concentration of carbon dioxide GHG now 50% higher than before the Industrial Revolution. In response to this, businesses of all sizes are under increasing pressure to measure, reduce, and report on their GHG emissions. However, many find that existing solutions are complex, expensive as well as resource and time-intensive.


diginexCLIMATE solves these challenges by making calculation and tracking of GHG easier, faster and more affordable. The platform is integrated into the diginexESG platform, allowing businesses to incorporate the climate data into their existing ESG report. diginexCLIMATE will automatically populate the results in line with reporting requirements across frameworks including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board(SASB) and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).


Using diginexCLIMATE, companies can visualise their own carbon footprint in charts and graphs, identify hot spots, set targets and define a reduction strategy, or do it for their clients, assets and suppliers to get a bird’s eye view and a holistic picture of their footprint.


Mark Blick CEO at Diginex says: “COP26 has brought the conversation around the environmental impact of GHG emissions into the boardroom. Hard data is needed to back up the promises from companies. Any business needs to recognise its carbon impact across scopes one, two and three in order to create reduction strategies that will make any genuine impact. Our mission is to provide businesses with affordable and easy access so that there are no unnecessary barriers to implementing positive changes.”





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About Diginex


Diginex is a disruptive impact tech business helping organisations to address the world’s most pressing sustainability issues, utilising the latest blockchain technology to lead change and increase transparency.


Diginex’s frontier-pushing SaaS products are used by both companies and governments to tackle challenges including supply chain management, labour rights, due diligence, and corporate environmental responsibility. Its technology provides businesses who want to do better with the tools that both help them be more responsible, and to realise the commercial benefits of ESG, including greater efficiency, reduced corporate risk, and increased ability to attract and secure investment. By using its technology to understand the impact of their operations, organisations can future proof their business models and accelerate growth, while contributing to a better future.


Founded in 2017, with a global team of over 80 technology and impact experts, Diginex is scaling rapidly and is a technology partner to major players around the world including Coca-Cola, the US government and the United Nations. Its products and platforms stand out as a new approach in the consulting-heavy world of sustainability, with a focus on using the latest innovations such as blockchain to collect and validate data and, in the process, make ESG more affordable and accessible for companies of all sizes.