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Custom Frameworks & Templates
Creating & Engaging with Reports

Custom Frameworks & Templates

This section aims to cover all actions involving our custom template builder, accessed by clicking on 'Design My Framework' from the homepage.

1. Getting Started

One option for building your report is to use our custom template builder, where you can search through all framework content and mix and match disclosures to build your report.

This is your template library. This Bribery & Anticorruption template collects all the relevant disclosures across key frameworks. The detail breakdown here lists the different frameworks involved, all disclosure categories contained, and any in progress and published reports done against this template. The same applies to our Emissions template, which collects the relevant disclosures across all frameworks we currently have.

Creating templates is easy, all you need to do is press the New Template button and give it a name. Then you can Select Disclosures and browse through all of the available content.

2. Building Your Template - Importing Content

You can click on the Select Disclosures button to get started with importing content from frameworks:

You can run a text search, such as for ‘bribery’ and see all the results that can be browsed and selected. If you want further insight in browsing, you can open the Quick Filters. Here you can choose industries to filter the disclosures based on whether they are recommended for specific industries, similar to our Materiality Module. You can also use the framework filter to focus only on specific frameworks. Once you’ve found what you need, it is only a matter of ticking some boxes and clicking ‘Save selection’.

Once they’ve been imported, they appear in the same categories they would in their originating frameworks. You can reorder the disclosures by dragging the circular arrow button to the right, as well as pulling them into another category. Category names and colors can be edited as well.

3. Building Your Template - Custom Content

Finally, custom content for when your organization needs to report on something specific to only you.

Click on the add custom disclosure button and give your disclosure a title and a category. Save that, and the next popup allows you to quickly create another. Let’s close it and go to the disclosure we have just added. We can further edit it, add descriptions and guidance content, and define the field type that this disclosure will prompt for, including text, number, currency, dates, and a few others. You effectively have all the tools to create content the same way it would be in a regular framework.

Once you are done selecting disclosures and creating custom ones, you can press back to return to the template library.

From there, you can now select your template and create a report, and you’ll see the same experience as we you did in the earlier reporting journey, only now containing the disclosures we defined in the template.